// This Function is used for testing DS3 session form PlayerDev folder function launchDemoStage3Test(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var session_id=sessID; var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; if(session_id>0) { window.open('/PlayerDev/DemoStage3/index.asp?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime,'DemoStage3',params); } else { window.open('/PlayerDev/DemoStage3/DS3_popup.html?sessionId=' + session_id,'DemoStage3', params); } } function launchDemoStage3(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var session_id=sessID; var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('/html5/?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'DemoStage3'+sessID,params); } // The Given below function is Used from DemoStage3Admin for launching DS3 session. function launchDemoStage3Staging(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var session_id=sessID; var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('http://www.demosondemand.com:8090/DemoStage3/index.asp?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'DemoStage3', params); } function launchDemoStage3Production(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var session_id=sessID; var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('http://www.demosondemand.com/DemoStage3/index.asp?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'DemoStage3',params); } // The Given below function is Used from DemoStage3Admin for launching DS2 session. function launchDS2Staging(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('http://www.demosondemand.com:8090/DemoStage2/index_new.asp?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'DemoStage2','top=0,left=0,width=1006,height=750,toolbars=off,status=no,menubar=no,location=no'); } function launchD2Production(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('http://www.demosondemand.com/DemoStage2/index_new.asp?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'DemoStage2','top=0,left=0,width=1006,height=750,toolbars=off,status=no,menubar=no,location=no'); } function Encrypt(text) { output = ""; for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { ch = text.charCodeAt(i).toString(); if ( ch.length == 1 ) { ch = "00" + ch; } else if ( ch.length == 2 ) { ch = "0" + ch; } else if ( ch.length == 3 ) { ch = "" + ch; } else { ch = "" + ch.toString().substring(0,2); } output += "" + ch; } return output; } // HTML5 Player function launchHTML5(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var session_id=sessID; var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('/HTML5/index.aspx?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'HTML5',params); } function launchHTML5Staging(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var session_id=sessID; var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('http://www.demosondemand.com:8090/HTML5/index.aspx?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'HTML5', params); } function launchHTML5Production(sessID,promotion_id,startTime) { var session_id=sessID; var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('http://www.demosondemand.com/HTML5/index.aspx?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id + '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'HTML5',params); } function launchHTML5Player_old_fg(sessID,promotion_id,startTime,reseller_id) { var session_id=sessID; var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; var openerURL=window.location.href; //alert(openerURL); //encrOpenerURL = escape(openerURL); var encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL); //alert(encrOpenerURL); window.open('http://www.demosondemand.com/HTML5/index.aspx?sessID=' + sessID + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id +'&reseller_id='+reseller_id+ '&startTime=' + startTime + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL,'HTML5',params); } function launchHTML5Player(session_id, promotion_id,startTime,reseller_id ) { var initialW = 250; var initialH = 200; var x = (screen.width/2)-initialW/2; var y = (screen.height/2)-initialH/2; var params = "toolbar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=0,status=0,menubar=0,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; //var params = "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,width=" + initialW + ",height=" + initialH + ",top=" + y + ",left=" + x + " "; var timer = new Date(); var CurHour = timer.getHours(); var CurMinute = timer.getMinutes(); var CurSecond = timer.getSeconds(); var title = 'DS3' + '_' + CurHour + CurMinute + CurSecond; var openerURL=""; var encrOpenerURL=""; if(document.getElementById("frame_type_alk")!=null) { openerURL = document.getElementById("frame_type_alk").value; encrOpenerURL = openerURL + Encrypt('||'+timer); } if(openerURL == "") { openerURL = window.location.href; encrOpenerURL = Encrypt(openerURL + '||'+timer); } //url = "http://www.demosondemand.com/html5/index.aspx?sessID=" + session_id + '&promotion_id=' + promotion_id +'&startTime='+ startTime + '&reseller_id=' + reseller_id + '&eo=' + encrOpenerURL; url = "https://www.demosondemand.com/dod_staging/app.js/html5/sessID/" + session_id + '/promotion_id/' + promotion_id +'/startTime/'+ startTime + '/reseller_id/' + reseller_id + '?eo=' + encrOpenerURL; var win = window.open(url, title, params); win.focus(); }